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Professional practice and continuing professional development

Managing conflict – using conciliation skills

  • To identify communication styles

  • To use techniques for positive interaction

  • Negotiation skills

  • Preparation for meetings and difficult conversations


Full day or equivalent.

Supervision circles

  • To learn a supervision process that can be used to support colleagues in analysing children's needs and sharing ideas

  • Participate in a supervision circle, following an agreed structure and ground rules

  • Be able to facilitate a supervision circle

On-going twilight sessions.

Building on strengths - using Appreciative Inquiry 

  • An EP facilitated session using 'Appreciative Inquiry' process to support staff in collaboratively establishing what is working (within a chosen topic), identifying dreams / goals and action planning


Half day.

Training in delivering group work

In order to build interventions within school, I can provide a development session for staff, giving an overview of the topic area and planning.  Following this I can deliver interevntions for small groups of pupils, alongside the staff member, thereby demonstrating activities and key concepts.  All of the interventions include baseline and post-intervention measures in order to track pupil progress.  

Training in delivering group work

In order to build interventions within a school, I can provide a development session for staff, giving an overview of the topic area and planning.  Following this I can deliver interventions for small groups of pupils, alongside the staff member, thereby demonstrating activities and key concepts.  All of the interventions include baseline and post-intervention measures in order to track progress.  

Friendship skills

  • Identifying what makes a good friend

  • Identifying triggers to friendship difficulties

  • Using cognitive behavioural approach to tackle friendship difficulties

  • Identifying consequences of behaviours upon friendships

  • Teaching ‘I messages’

Anger management

  • Teaching purpose of anger

  • Teaching physiological responses and concept of fight/flight/freeze

  • Using cognitive behavioural approach to identify process of anger (firework model and assault cycle)

  • Identify calming strategies

  • Identify consequences of behaviour choices for relationships

  • Teaching non-blaming assertive ways of expressing needs

Over to you (taking responsibility)

  • Increasing self awareness and identifying personal targets

  • Using cognitive behavioural approach to teach links between thoughts, feelings and behaviour

  • Practising thinking about situations in alternative ways

  • To recognise other people’s feelings and the impact we have on them by the way we communicate

  • Practise assertive strategies for resolving conflicts

Exam anxiety

  • Raise awareness of the stress response and its impact upon learning

  • Learn cognitive behavioural techniques for managing anxiety

  • Use relaxation strategies

  • Learn revision techniques

Social skills

  • Recognise and use basic communication skills 

  • Identify unhelpful thoughts and use helpful thoughts

  • Identify and use friendship skills

  • Practise social problem solving (identifying alternative courses of action and predicting consequences)

Assertiveness skills

  • Differentiate between passive, aggressive and assertive behaviour

  • Identifying consequences of different communication styles

  • Be able to say 'no'

  • Be able to use 'I messages'

  • Set personal goals to review

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