Language and communication
Supporting language development in the classroom
Identify the components of communication and why they are important
Learn how language develops and identify different developmental stages
Recognise key strategies that can be used to support the development of each area of communication
Learn approaches for helping young people with language difficulties to learn and interact effectively
Half day training course. This course can be adapted for a shorter session if required.
Understanding the impact of language difficulties upon behaviour
Understand the impact of language difficulties on social and emotional development and behaviour
Understand key concepts and terminology in describing language needs
Identify strategies to help young people with language difficulties to interact effectively
Half day training course.
Understanding autism
Understand the nature of autism spectrum disorders and the impact of these upon children's behaviour
Explore some key concepts and theories
Raise awareness of strengths and difficulties
Be able to implement key strategies for meeting the needs of children with autism
Half day training course. This course can be adapted for a shorter session if required.
Developing an autism friendly classroom
Understand some of the key learning barriers for a pupil with autism
Recognise key approaches in developing classroom environments that promote success for pupils with autism
Half day training course.